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Charles Moore
Charles Moore

Buy Used Greyhound Bus

If you want to purchase a used bus or list a bus for sale of your own, you have come to the right place. Buses For Sale is the number one "bus stop" for buses, motorcoaches and RV conversions on the web. We have a wide variety of buses to choose from, including school buses, tour/charter buses, mini buses, double deckers and RV conversions. Find makes and models from the industry's most respected brands, including MCI, Prevost, Setra, Chevrolet, GMC, Van Hool, Ford, Bluebird and many more. Search or browse our extensive inventory and find the best bus at the best price today!

buy used greyhound bus

A coach bus is the perfect solution for school and church groups, sports teams and other organizations that take part in activities that require frequent travel. A coach bus is one of the most comfortable ways to get around, and when you come to us, we will show you all our full range of available new and used buses for sale in the U.S.

Northwest Bus Sales has a large stock of new and used coach buses for sale. We have buses for sale in the USA from trusted manufacturers like MCI, Van Hool, Prevost and more. Just about every coach bus that we have on our lot fits at least 40 people comfortably, but we also have coach buses that will hold between 50 and 60 people, if not more. Many of our coach buses also feature convenient amenities like restrooms, air conditioning and even wheelchair lifts which can help make long trips more comfortable and convenient.

When you buy a coach bus from Northwest Bus Sales, we can either arrange for you to pick it up from us or deliver it directly to you, regardless of where you are located. Our buses for sale in the USA can be shipped to any part of the country, and we also sell to clients in Mexico and Canada. We are based in Northwest, but we take pride in our ability to serve customers throughout the U.S. We know that you will love our new coach buses and used buses for sale and that you will enjoy traveling aboard them once you take ownership of them.

Want to take a cross-country road trip but your family SUV just doesnt have the space for everyone? Or maybe your church group needs a church bus to attend functions in together. There are many ways to utilize the convenience and space of a bus, and most modern vehicles are feature-packed. Browse the listings on eBay for a selection of busses at multiple price points in conditions from new to used to certified pre-owned and get that vacation started.

While budget may factor into your purchasing decision, you can always find pre-owned and used options on eBay along with vintage options if youre looking to refurbish an old vehicle yourself or just think it looks cooler. Many people are even using these vehicles to create tiny homes or getaways.

We have all makes of used buses for sale including: Used MCI Coaches, Prevost, Vanhool, Setra, Neoplan, Bluebird, Thomas, Starcraft, Ameritrans, Krystal, Startrans, Supreme, Eldorado, Glaval, Champion, Metrotrans, Diamond, Turtle Top, Terra Transit, Goshen, Elkhart Coach and Federal to name a few.

Las Vegas Bus Sales is committed to being the largest provider of, and your best option for purchasing, new and used buses. Along with our sister company, Northwest Bus Sales located just outside Seattle, Washington, we offer numerous brands, makes and models of new buses in addition to the largest selection of pre-owned and rust free used buses for sale on the web. Our facility is conveniently located on the north end of Las Vegas, Nevada just minutes from McCarren International Airport (LAS).

As with all equipment purchases, new will always cost more than used. Many factors affect the prices for both new and used buses. How much does an old, used school bus cost? The pricing depends on its condition and mileage. A rusty bus in poor condition will likely require a heavy investment in repairs and will therefore have a lower upfront cost.

The 4,210-square-foot bus terminal was built in 1997 on nearly 1.5 acres and was used by Greyhound for nearly 25 years before the bus company relocated its local terminal to its current drop-off and loading site at 740 E. 12th Street downtown. The Helen Ross McNabb Center Inc. bought the site for $650,000 last October, according to Hamilton County property records.

By 1930, more than 100 bus lines had been consolidated into the parent company, then called Motor Transit Corporation. Recognizing the need for a more memorable name, the partners of the Motor Transit Corporation changed its name to The Greyhound Corporation after the Greyhound name used by earlier bus lines. According to company lore, that name came from a driver, Ed Stone, who was reminded of a greyhound when he saw a passing bus in a reflection.[11][12]

In 1955, the Interstate Commerce Commission ruled in the case of Keys v. Carolina Coach Co. that U.S. interstate bus operations, such as Greyhound's, could not be segregated by race.[30] In 1960, in the case of Boynton v. Virginia, the U.S. Supreme Court found that an African American had been wrongfully convicted for trespassing in a "whites only" terminal area.[31] In May 1961, Civil Rights Movement activists organized interracial Freedom Rides as proof of the desegregation rulings. On May 14, a mob attacked a pair of buses (a Greyhound and a Trailways) traveling from Washington, D.C., to New Orleans, Louisiana, and slashed the Greyhound bus's tires.[32] Several miles outside of Anniston, Alabama, the mob forced the Greyhound bus to stop, broke its windows, and firebombed it.[33] The mob held the bus' doors shut, intending to burn the riders to death. Sources disagree, but either an exploding fuel tank[33] or an undercover state investigator brandishing a revolver[34] caused the mob to retreat. When the riders escaped the bus, the mob beat them, while warning shots fired into the air by highway patrolmen prevented them from being lynched.[33] Additional Freedom Riders were beaten by a mob at the Greyhound Station in Montgomery Alabama.

In early 1990, the drivers' contract from 1987 expired at the end of its three-year term. In March, the ATU began a strike action against Greyhound. The 1990 drivers' strike was similar in its bitterness to the strike of 1983, with violence against both strikers and their replacement workers. One striker in California was killed by a Greyhound bus driven by a strikebreaker, and a shot was fired at a Greyhound bus.[55] While Greyhound CEO Fred Currey argued that "no American worth his salt negotiates with terrorists," ATU leader Edward M. Strait responded that management's failure to negotiate amounted to "putting the negotiations back into the hands of terrorists."[56] During the strike by its 6,300 drivers, Greyhound idled much of its fleet of 3,949 buses and cancelled 80% of its routes.[57] At the same time, Greyhound was having to contend with the rise of low-cost airlines such as Southwest Airlines, which further reduced the market for long-distance inter-city bus transportation. Without the financial strength provided in the past by a parent company, the strike's lower revenues and higher costs for security and labor-law penalties caused Greyhound to file for bankruptcy in June 1990.[58][59][60][61][62] The strike was not settled until May 1993, 38 months later, under terms favorable to Greyhound. While the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) had awarded damages for unfair labor practices to the strikers, this liability was discharged during bankruptcy reorganization. Greyhound agreed to pay $22 million in back wages to union drivers, recall 550 of the remaining strikers, reinstate most of the 200 strikers who were fired for alleged misconduct, and increase hourly pay for drivers to $16.55 from $13.83 by March 1998.[63][64][65]

In May 2021, Greyhound Canada shut down all of its bus routes in Canada. Greyhound Lines continues to operate four cross-border routes that either start or finish in the U.S. from Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver:[139][140] The company also placed 38 buses used by its Canada division up for auction.[141]

It is not uncommon for an older bus to have had an engine or transmission replaced, which changes the effective age as indicated by the mileage report. Documentation of those replacements is very important. You will need to know if the replacement equipment was new or used and how long ago it was installed to assess the future life of the vehicle. In most cases, your dealer can provide you with the necessary paperwork and background information. Without it, the inherent risk associated with such a purchase does increase.

Cost, after all, is what it often boils down to. A used bus, depending on the condition and specifications, can run anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000, while a new bus will hit in the $50,000 range or higher. The initial savings are substantial, but repairs will eventually be necessary. Therefore, a late-model used bus is generally the best investment.

Financing is another consideration. You would expect financing options to be available when purchasing a used car, and the same is true for a used bus. Various options should be available through the dealer or other financial institutions.

In addition, when negotiating costs, be aware that the make of the body and chassis play a role in determining the reliability as well as the price of a used bus. Information on the application of premiums and discounts based on brand can be found in The Official School Bus Resale Guide, which you can order by calling (800) 775-4577.

However, many used buses serve a useful purpose when districts are in need of non-route vehicles, which include activity buses or those used exclusively for field trips. According to the 2002 school district survey published in the November 2002 issue of SCHOOL BUS FLEET, about half of school bus fleets (50.8 percent) operate with a spare ratio of 10 to 20 percent. 041b061a72




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