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Charles Moore
Charles Moore

Saint Seiya: Legend Of Sanctuary - Movie

  • Scorpius MiloVoiced by: Masumi AsanoThe Gold Saint who represents the constellation of Scorpius and protects the eighth of the Twelve Temples, the Scorpius Palace. She is a powerful and smart woman who believes the duty of a Saint to be one of great honor and is fiercely loyal to Athena. Action Girl: She's a very powerful fighter, worthy of her elite status.

  • Adaptation Dye-Job: Milo had blond hair in the original manga and indigo hair in the original anime. Both were discarded for a pinkish-reddish hue.

  • Adaptational Badass: While original Milo was strong, this version is remarkably stronger to the point her fighting style is quite vicious even without using cosmos attacks and she is remarkably faster and more agile than her male manga counterpart with some tricks up her sleeve such as blades as part of her cloth.

  • Calling Your Attacks: "Scarlet Needle!"

  • Composite Character: Scorpius Milo takes the name and role from the original incarnation of the manga, but the fact she is a female masked saint associated with a poisonous strike makes her the closest the movie has of adapting Ophiuchus Shaina . Likewise, a female Gold Saint of Scorpius named Sonia was present in Saint Seiya Omega, with both Milo and her sharing hair color.

  • Gender-Blender Name: "Milo" is at least uncommon as a girl's name.

  • Gender Flip: Scorpius Milo was a male Saint in the original manga and anime.

  • Mythology Gag: Along with the Gender Flip, she got the mask worn by the female Saints.

  • This is not the first incarnation of a female Scorpius Saint who wears a mask. Sonia predates her.

  • Pink Means Feminine: Played with. She is the only female Gold Saint and her hair has, of all colors, a rosy hue.

  • The Smurfette Principle: Milo is the only female Gold Saint.

Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary - Movie





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